Air-born Allergies
We have severe allergy sufferers in our family and among our friends. To some of us, even natural substances cause allergic reactions such as watering itchy eyes, blocked painful ears, sinusitis, headache and asthma.
Many substances can cause allergies when they are inhaled or even if they touch our skin or mucus membranes. These allergens include animal dander, house dust, dust-mites, mold and pollens.
We have found the most successful way to avoid these allergens and still be able to go outdoors when pollen counts are high, is to wear a set of effective nasal filters.
We wear specially shaped nasal filters which do not flare our nostrils. These filters are comfortable and yet we can still breathe very well through them. They cut out about 90% of pollen and that is brilliant for us. We could not find a supplier of these filters in our country, so we now buy them directly from the overseas manufacturer. We like these filters so much that we now supply them to other people who are suffering from air-borne allergies too through this website: www.supermasknasalfilters.com
When our bodies come in contact with allergens, our cells release histamine. This is the substance that causes the symptoms of our allergies. Following up the histamine, we read that both forms of Vitamin B3 (niacin and nicotinamide) and Vitamin C taken at the same time will help take the histamine out of the body’s cells and prevent a huge allergic reaction when an allergen does make contact with our nose or other mucus membranes. This is the article here: http://orthomolecular.org/library/jom/2002/pdf/2002-v17n01-p017.pdf
We started off every day taking ½ x tablet of niacin (50 mg) and ½ x tablet of nicotinamide (100 mg) with 1 tsp of Sodium Ascorbate (Vitamin C). Some days the niacin gives us a ‘niacin flush’ which is like a hot flush, but this is just getting some of the histamine out of our cells. Some days this doesn’t happen, but some days it is quite obvious and looks like sunburn. It feels a bit prickly, though it is not painful. From what we read we are convinced that this reaction is nothing to be concerned about according to the medical literature that we’ve read. The flush goes away in about 1 hour or less.
We have severe allergy sufferers in our family and among our friends. To some of us, even natural substances cause allergic reactions such as watering itchy eyes, blocked painful ears, sinusitis, headache and asthma.
Many substances can cause allergies when they are inhaled or even if they touch our skin or mucus membranes. These allergens include animal dander, house dust, dust-mites, mold and pollens.
We have found the most successful way to avoid these allergens and still be able to go outdoors when pollen counts are high, is to wear a set of effective nasal filters.
We wear specially shaped nasal filters which do not flare our nostrils. These filters are comfortable and yet we can still breathe very well through them. They cut out about 90% of pollen and that is brilliant for us. We could not find a supplier of these filters in our country, so we now buy them directly from the overseas manufacturer. We like these filters so much that we now supply them to other people who are suffering from air-borne allergies too through this website: www.supermasknasalfilters.com
When our bodies come in contact with allergens, our cells release histamine. This is the substance that causes the symptoms of our allergies. Following up the histamine, we read that both forms of Vitamin B3 (niacin and nicotinamide) and Vitamin C taken at the same time will help take the histamine out of the body’s cells and prevent a huge allergic reaction when an allergen does make contact with our nose or other mucus membranes. This is the article here: http://orthomolecular.org/library/jom/2002/pdf/2002-v17n01-p017.pdf
We started off every day taking ½ x tablet of niacin (50 mg) and ½ x tablet of nicotinamide (100 mg) with 1 tsp of Sodium Ascorbate (Vitamin C). Some days the niacin gives us a ‘niacin flush’ which is like a hot flush, but this is just getting some of the histamine out of our cells. Some days this doesn’t happen, but some days it is quite obvious and looks like sunburn. It feels a bit prickly, though it is not painful. From what we read we are convinced that this reaction is nothing to be concerned about according to the medical literature that we’ve read. The flush goes away in about 1 hour or less.
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A decision to use/not use this information is the sole responsibility of the reader.
Please see your doctor or health care professional for medical evaluation.