
Poultices and Compresses
A poultice is a wad of vegetable matter that has been pressed together and applied to infected, swollen and inflamed tissue such as a sprained ankle, a congested chest, imbedded splinter, a boil or burn. It will draw the debris out through the skin.
A compress is applied to a congested area and the body takes the debris away through the blood stream.
Never re-use a poultice. It can put toxins back into the skin.
Cooked Onion Poultice: for Earache, Boils
This is how we treat earache–
1. Steam an onion or dry bake it – we do not boil it as the healing properties will leach out into the water.
2. Cut the hot onion in half, through the widest part; keep intact the circular layers – the rings of the onion.
3. Squeeze some COOKED juice out of the onion.
4. When the cooked juice has cooled sufficiently and is just warm, pour it inside the ear, down the ear canal.
5. Wrap the hot onion in cheesecloth, then plastic wrap or in a teatowel and place this over the ear, trapping the heat in the poultice. The heat increases the circulation to the ear promoting healing, and reducing pain, but take care not to let the poultice burn the ear. When we used this poultice, particularly on our children, they typically fell asleep within a few minutes and when they woke up, the pain is gone.
6. Alternatively, buy garlic oil capsules from the chemist, healthfood store or supermarket and pierce a gelatin capsule and squeeze the contents of the oil into the ear. (NEVER apply raw garlic or its juice to the skin or ear – it burns and blisters).
7. Apply the hot onion poultice over the ear as long as it is kept warm. We sometimes put a beanie over the head with some plastic over it to insulate it to keep the heat in. While it is hot, it will be helping.
8. If the earache pain returns, repeat the treatment, as many times as necessary. Our bodies know how to heal. We are only providing the ingredients to support its healing work.
9. If the child has a sore throat as well as earache, apply the poultice, but also make an onion syrup mixture for them to drink from another steamed onion. (See recipe for onion syrup below).
It is up to everyone to decide for themselves if they wish to visit a doctor. We certainly don’t advocate repeating using any procedure if it is not providing healing and pain relief. We however have never found the poultices to fail.
Raw Onion
Raw onion is good for respiratory problems. When you cut up a raw onion, the raw juice loosens the fluid in the Eustachian tubes. This is beneficial for drawing out blocked sinuses. If a baby has a blocked nose, a sliced raw onion can be put in the room where the baby is sleeping and the baby will breathe the onion vapor and help to unblock the congested nasal passages.
Raw Onion Poultice
For respiratory problems
1. Finely slice the onion in rings (or if necessary, grate a raw onion, but grating it makes it too wet, and the excess juice must be squeezed out and is thus wasted).
2. Wrap the onion in chux or cheesecloth and fold the edges under to make a square or rectangular shape. Several layers of cloth will be on one side, while only one layer of cloth will be on the side you want to apply to the skin.
3. With the person receiving the poultice on the bed, lying face up with chest exposed, apply the poultice to the skin of the chest (one layer of cloth only between the onion and the skin).
4. Cover the thick layers of cloth on top of the poultice with plastic wrap or cut out a sheet of plastic from a plastic shopping bag. If you use cling wrap it is best to ensure it does not touch your skin as it can leach chemicals and these might be absorbed into your skin.
5. If the person wears a singlet it will help hold the poultice on the chest.
6. The onion poultice can irritate the skin if left on too long, so after about 2-3 hours it should be removed. It is not good to leave it on overnight.
For sore throat
1. Make the poultice as set out above, but fold the chux so that the onion in the poultice is spread in a longer shape.
2. Fit the long, thin chux around the neck so that the onion inside the poultice reaches from ear to ear.
3. Cover poultice with plastic wrap and a scarf.
4. Leave it for a couple of hours.
5. If you need to renew the poultice, but your skin has become tender, then you can apply a heating compress instead.
Ginger Poultice – (joint inflammation)
1. Grate fresh ginger onto chux.
2. Fold the chux into a square shape making sure the ginger is in the centre of the chux and does not fall out of the cloth.
3. Apply to the aching joint.
If you have an aching joint, it will feel like your skin is burning, but the ginger will not burn. The skin might get very hot, but that is because the ginger is pulling all the debris out of the joint and getting rid of it through the skin (that is how it was explained to us). The joint stops aching because of this anti-inflammatory action of the ginger. When the inflammation is reduced out of the joint, the pain is reduced.
Potato Poultice – tissue inflammation (eyes, conjunctivitis, abscesses, tender parts of the body)
1. Estimate the number of potatoes needed for the job. If there is a lot of swelling, more potatoes will be needed as the potato must cover the swollen area and the areas next to it to reduce the swelling.
2. Grate raw organic potato on medium or fine grater onto chux.
3. Fold the chux into a square/rectangular shape making sure the potato is in the centre of the chux and does not fal out of the cloth.
4. Apply to the inflamed tissue and cover with plastic/cling wrap and bandage onto limb or other area.
5. If very dirty wound, change the first poultice when it starts hurting again or after 2 hours.
6. Check for putrid smell when taking off the poultice which indicates that the debris has been pulled into the potato and out of the wound.
7. Keep applying the poultice until the smell, inflammation and pain subside.
Potatoes are high in phosphorous and potassium which help with healing. The potato poultice helps the wound to open and to discharge the toxins which are then expelled through the skin. Puncture wounds that heal over quickly leaving toxins and bacteria inside it (like the anaerobic bacteria tetanus) are very dangerous and so seeing the wound open up is excellent.
Charcoal (diarrhea, gastro, poisoning, insect stings, snake bites)
Can be used internally and externally.
Neutralises poisons (used in hospitals for drug overdoses and accidental poisoning)
Charcoal Poultice Recipe (mix with either psyllium or slippery elm)
1. 1 part psyllium
2. 3 parts charcoal
3. Mix with a little water to jelly consistency.
4. Roll it out between 2 sheets of plastic wrap with a rolling pin and make strips.
5. Put the strips into the freezer.
6. Cut with scissors to correct size.
7. Strip off top plastic layer.
8. Apply to the wound or sting. Leave the top plastic layer on the wound and bandage it to the limb.
Comfrey Poultice
We have found a comfrey poultice to be very soothing when dealing with bruising on bone such as when you walk into the tow-ball of your car and the shin bone hurts a lot. It is also useful when we fall over onto our knees or elbows. We have also used it to get almost immediate relief (20 mins) when a bone has been broken (not one that has broken the skin) and we are waiting for the ambulance to arrive.
To use a comfrey poultice, we do the following:
1. Harvest 6 large, fresh comfrey leaves, preferrably from your garden so you know it has not been effected by chemical sprays
2. Wash the leaves in pure filtered water if possible.
3. Pull the leaves apart into small bits about the size of a postage stamp and place these pieces into a saucepan.
4. Put 1 to 2 tablespoons of pure filtered water into the saucepan.
5. Put saucepan and broken leaves onto the stove and put the element on low heat.
6. Monitor and stir the leaves preferrably with a wooden spoon..
7. When the leave pieces appear to begin to wilt, then take the saucepan off the heat.
8. Place a chux or piece of cheescloth on a large plate or chopping board.
9. Remove the comfrey leaf pieces from the saucepan with tongs to avoid being burnt and place the comfrey on the chux, mostly taking up only 1/3 of the area of the chux.
10. Fold the chux over the comfrey leaves so that the leaves are completely covered by the chux and will not be able to contact the skin. This is so that the tiny spines on the comfrey plant do not cause irritation to the skin which they might do if they were in contact with the skin.
11. Wrap the chux around the injured limb or area.
12. Cover the chux with some cling wrap or heavier plastic. The plastic or cling wrap can also be bandaged to give the limb extra support and to prevent the comfrey from drying out too quickly.
13. When the pain-killing effects wear off, and the ambulance still hasn't arrived, we have found that applying another comfrey poultice has the same effect.
We have found the comfrey to relieve pain after about 20 minutes, but of course it is extremely important to seek the urgent assistance of qualified medical practitioners who might order x-rays or other diagnostic tests to properly assess the damage and provide the best solution.
For sore throat
1. Soak a chux or even an old sock in cold water.
2. Fold the chux into a long, thin shape.
3. Fit the long, thin chux around the neck so that the chux reaches from ear to ear.
4. Cover with plastic wrap and a then wear a scarf over it all.
5. Compress can be left on all day or overnight.
6. Renew the compress if necessary.
The body warms the water in the chux by bringing blood to the area and this takes the edge off the sore throat. Blood brings nutrient to the area, while it takes away the debris.
Onion Syrup – Recipe for sore throat recipe
1. Chop/dice 1 raw onion in small pieces.
2. Add some onion to a glass jar.
3. Add 1 tsp honey to the jar.
4. Repeat steps 2 & 3, layering the onion and the honey, until the jar is full.
5. Leave jar sit for 24 hours.
6. Strain the onion out of the syrup.
7. You can add grated ginger and garlic.
Child: ½ teaspoon x 3 per day
Adult: 1 teaspoon x 3 per day
Night-time coughing
Stop night time coughing by omitting the evening meal. A lot of people cough due to having eaten too late in the evening and the oesophagus is irritated from the incomplete digestion. Another remedy is to place a pinch of celtic/Himalayan salt on the tongue and then to drink a glass of water.
Castor Oil Compress (external application only – According to Barbara O'Neil and other persons familiar with remedies the pioneers used, castor oil has the ability to break up lumps, bumps, adhesions, irritable bowel, constipation, uterine fibroids, cysts in the ovaries, gallstones, kidney stones, bone spurs from calcium deposits, chest congestions with hot waterbottle, brain tumors)
Castor oil can penetrate very deeply into the body. It can penetrate a bone spur over time.
Make thick compress to hold the castor oil. You can reuse the compress as it is not drawing any toxins into it.
1. Cut a bluey (incontinence pad) into 4 pieces.
2. Put a piece of an old towel into the middle of the bluey.
3. Tape the ends of the bluey up.
4. Apply the castor oil in the middle of the bluey – about 100 ml
5. Let the compress sit for about 30 mins to soak into the towel.
6. Apply the compress onto the body.
7. Body heat warms the oil and spreads it out.
8. Plastic on the outside stops chilling and messing up clothes/blankets.
9. New compress required after two weeks if used every day.
10. Need to apply 1 extra teaspoon of castor oil every time you use the same compress.
Cayenne Pepper (moves blood, blood thinner, opens capillaries, low hydrochloric acid, strengthens the arterial walls, can rebuild heart muscle, upset tummy, heal a stomach ulcer, used internally and externally)
1. ¼ teaspoon of cayenne pepper in a cup of water
2. Mix
3. Drink it
4. Build up to ½ teaspoon of cayenne pepper
If there is external bleeding, apply cayenne pepper and it will seal the wound quickly and stop bleeding, sometimes negating the need for stitches.
If there is poor circulation use cayenne poultice to get blood to the area.
Cayenne Pepper Poultice (for bringing circulation to the feet)
1. Put a piece of plastic cling wrap about 30 cm/12” square on a table.
2. Put some kitchen baking paper (about the size to cover the underside of one foot) onto the cling wrap.
3. Pour a small amount of olive oil on the kitchen paper and spread it around the paper so it will cause the cayenne pepper to stick to it.
4. Sprinkle a ½ tsp of cayenne pepper onto the kitchen paper.
5. Put the poultice on the sole of the foot.
6. Pull the cling wrap plastic up over the top of the foot and put a sock on it.
7. Do the same to the other foot.
A cayenne poultice placed on the neck can increase circulation to an underactive thyroid gland. Apply the poultice only during the day or it can interfere with your sleep.
If the thyroid gland is over active, apply an ice compress to slow it down.
Slippery Elm (external and internal use – draws out toxins and debris, healing agent to mucus membranes; contains growth stimulant)
Poultice (use with charcoal)
Draws out debris
Use charcoal directions only substitute the psyllium husks for the slippery elm powder.
Take the powder with a little water mixed in a glass. Drink before it goes very thick.
Coats and soothes the whole gastro intestinal tract, soothes sore throat, soothes sore oesophagus, stomach ulcer, Crones disease, irritable bowel, diarrhea.
Aloe Vera (External and Internal use)
Contains a growth stimulant to heal the gastro intestinal tract. Cells that line the intestinal digestive tract replace themselves every 3 days. Stop irritating the bowel with refined sugar, dairy and gluten. Don’t eat the yellow liquid just under the skin, but eat the flesh of the plant to soothe the intestinal tract.
Nearly all skin problems can be helped with aloe vera. Does not burn or sting.
Burns can be treated by cutting an aloe vera leaf and putting the aloe vera flesh and clear liquid directly on the burn. Bandage it on with the outside skin still on the leaf. Keep air off the burnt area.
Swollen Tissues
Cabbage – is well known to reduce discomfort from inflammation and swelling. Either dip a leaf of cabbage into boiling water till it becomes tender or beat it till it is mashed up with a meat cleaver. Fit over injured area e.g. the uncomfortable, swollen breasts of mother who is feeding her newborn baby, swollen knees, ankle. Cover with a cloth, cling wrap and bandage it on.
Information on this site and in this article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.
A decision to use/not use this information is the sole responsibility of the reader.
Please see your doctor or health care professional for medical evaluation.
A poultice is a wad of vegetable matter that has been pressed together and applied to infected, swollen and inflamed tissue such as a sprained ankle, a congested chest, imbedded splinter, a boil or burn. It will draw the debris out through the skin.
A compress is applied to a congested area and the body takes the debris away through the blood stream.
Never re-use a poultice. It can put toxins back into the skin.
Cooked Onion Poultice: for Earache, Boils
This is how we treat earache–
1. Steam an onion or dry bake it – we do not boil it as the healing properties will leach out into the water.
2. Cut the hot onion in half, through the widest part; keep intact the circular layers – the rings of the onion.
3. Squeeze some COOKED juice out of the onion.
4. When the cooked juice has cooled sufficiently and is just warm, pour it inside the ear, down the ear canal.
5. Wrap the hot onion in cheesecloth, then plastic wrap or in a teatowel and place this over the ear, trapping the heat in the poultice. The heat increases the circulation to the ear promoting healing, and reducing pain, but take care not to let the poultice burn the ear. When we used this poultice, particularly on our children, they typically fell asleep within a few minutes and when they woke up, the pain is gone.
6. Alternatively, buy garlic oil capsules from the chemist, healthfood store or supermarket and pierce a gelatin capsule and squeeze the contents of the oil into the ear. (NEVER apply raw garlic or its juice to the skin or ear – it burns and blisters).
7. Apply the hot onion poultice over the ear as long as it is kept warm. We sometimes put a beanie over the head with some plastic over it to insulate it to keep the heat in. While it is hot, it will be helping.
8. If the earache pain returns, repeat the treatment, as many times as necessary. Our bodies know how to heal. We are only providing the ingredients to support its healing work.
9. If the child has a sore throat as well as earache, apply the poultice, but also make an onion syrup mixture for them to drink from another steamed onion. (See recipe for onion syrup below).
It is up to everyone to decide for themselves if they wish to visit a doctor. We certainly don’t advocate repeating using any procedure if it is not providing healing and pain relief. We however have never found the poultices to fail.
Raw Onion
Raw onion is good for respiratory problems. When you cut up a raw onion, the raw juice loosens the fluid in the Eustachian tubes. This is beneficial for drawing out blocked sinuses. If a baby has a blocked nose, a sliced raw onion can be put in the room where the baby is sleeping and the baby will breathe the onion vapor and help to unblock the congested nasal passages.
Raw Onion Poultice
For respiratory problems
1. Finely slice the onion in rings (or if necessary, grate a raw onion, but grating it makes it too wet, and the excess juice must be squeezed out and is thus wasted).
2. Wrap the onion in chux or cheesecloth and fold the edges under to make a square or rectangular shape. Several layers of cloth will be on one side, while only one layer of cloth will be on the side you want to apply to the skin.
3. With the person receiving the poultice on the bed, lying face up with chest exposed, apply the poultice to the skin of the chest (one layer of cloth only between the onion and the skin).
4. Cover the thick layers of cloth on top of the poultice with plastic wrap or cut out a sheet of plastic from a plastic shopping bag. If you use cling wrap it is best to ensure it does not touch your skin as it can leach chemicals and these might be absorbed into your skin.
5. If the person wears a singlet it will help hold the poultice on the chest.
6. The onion poultice can irritate the skin if left on too long, so after about 2-3 hours it should be removed. It is not good to leave it on overnight.
For sore throat
1. Make the poultice as set out above, but fold the chux so that the onion in the poultice is spread in a longer shape.
2. Fit the long, thin chux around the neck so that the onion inside the poultice reaches from ear to ear.
3. Cover poultice with plastic wrap and a scarf.
4. Leave it for a couple of hours.
5. If you need to renew the poultice, but your skin has become tender, then you can apply a heating compress instead.
Ginger Poultice – (joint inflammation)
1. Grate fresh ginger onto chux.
2. Fold the chux into a square shape making sure the ginger is in the centre of the chux and does not fall out of the cloth.
3. Apply to the aching joint.
If you have an aching joint, it will feel like your skin is burning, but the ginger will not burn. The skin might get very hot, but that is because the ginger is pulling all the debris out of the joint and getting rid of it through the skin (that is how it was explained to us). The joint stops aching because of this anti-inflammatory action of the ginger. When the inflammation is reduced out of the joint, the pain is reduced.
Potato Poultice – tissue inflammation (eyes, conjunctivitis, abscesses, tender parts of the body)
1. Estimate the number of potatoes needed for the job. If there is a lot of swelling, more potatoes will be needed as the potato must cover the swollen area and the areas next to it to reduce the swelling.
2. Grate raw organic potato on medium or fine grater onto chux.
3. Fold the chux into a square/rectangular shape making sure the potato is in the centre of the chux and does not fal out of the cloth.
4. Apply to the inflamed tissue and cover with plastic/cling wrap and bandage onto limb or other area.
5. If very dirty wound, change the first poultice when it starts hurting again or after 2 hours.
6. Check for putrid smell when taking off the poultice which indicates that the debris has been pulled into the potato and out of the wound.
7. Keep applying the poultice until the smell, inflammation and pain subside.
Potatoes are high in phosphorous and potassium which help with healing. The potato poultice helps the wound to open and to discharge the toxins which are then expelled through the skin. Puncture wounds that heal over quickly leaving toxins and bacteria inside it (like the anaerobic bacteria tetanus) are very dangerous and so seeing the wound open up is excellent.
Charcoal (diarrhea, gastro, poisoning, insect stings, snake bites)
Can be used internally and externally.
Neutralises poisons (used in hospitals for drug overdoses and accidental poisoning)
Charcoal Poultice Recipe (mix with either psyllium or slippery elm)
1. 1 part psyllium
2. 3 parts charcoal
3. Mix with a little water to jelly consistency.
4. Roll it out between 2 sheets of plastic wrap with a rolling pin and make strips.
5. Put the strips into the freezer.
6. Cut with scissors to correct size.
7. Strip off top plastic layer.
8. Apply to the wound or sting. Leave the top plastic layer on the wound and bandage it to the limb.
Comfrey Poultice
We have found a comfrey poultice to be very soothing when dealing with bruising on bone such as when you walk into the tow-ball of your car and the shin bone hurts a lot. It is also useful when we fall over onto our knees or elbows. We have also used it to get almost immediate relief (20 mins) when a bone has been broken (not one that has broken the skin) and we are waiting for the ambulance to arrive.
To use a comfrey poultice, we do the following:
1. Harvest 6 large, fresh comfrey leaves, preferrably from your garden so you know it has not been effected by chemical sprays
2. Wash the leaves in pure filtered water if possible.
3. Pull the leaves apart into small bits about the size of a postage stamp and place these pieces into a saucepan.
4. Put 1 to 2 tablespoons of pure filtered water into the saucepan.
5. Put saucepan and broken leaves onto the stove and put the element on low heat.
6. Monitor and stir the leaves preferrably with a wooden spoon..
7. When the leave pieces appear to begin to wilt, then take the saucepan off the heat.
8. Place a chux or piece of cheescloth on a large plate or chopping board.
9. Remove the comfrey leaf pieces from the saucepan with tongs to avoid being burnt and place the comfrey on the chux, mostly taking up only 1/3 of the area of the chux.
10. Fold the chux over the comfrey leaves so that the leaves are completely covered by the chux and will not be able to contact the skin. This is so that the tiny spines on the comfrey plant do not cause irritation to the skin which they might do if they were in contact with the skin.
11. Wrap the chux around the injured limb or area.
12. Cover the chux with some cling wrap or heavier plastic. The plastic or cling wrap can also be bandaged to give the limb extra support and to prevent the comfrey from drying out too quickly.
13. When the pain-killing effects wear off, and the ambulance still hasn't arrived, we have found that applying another comfrey poultice has the same effect.
We have found the comfrey to relieve pain after about 20 minutes, but of course it is extremely important to seek the urgent assistance of qualified medical practitioners who might order x-rays or other diagnostic tests to properly assess the damage and provide the best solution.
For sore throat
1. Soak a chux or even an old sock in cold water.
2. Fold the chux into a long, thin shape.
3. Fit the long, thin chux around the neck so that the chux reaches from ear to ear.
4. Cover with plastic wrap and a then wear a scarf over it all.
5. Compress can be left on all day or overnight.
6. Renew the compress if necessary.
The body warms the water in the chux by bringing blood to the area and this takes the edge off the sore throat. Blood brings nutrient to the area, while it takes away the debris.
Onion Syrup – Recipe for sore throat recipe
1. Chop/dice 1 raw onion in small pieces.
2. Add some onion to a glass jar.
3. Add 1 tsp honey to the jar.
4. Repeat steps 2 & 3, layering the onion and the honey, until the jar is full.
5. Leave jar sit for 24 hours.
6. Strain the onion out of the syrup.
7. You can add grated ginger and garlic.
Child: ½ teaspoon x 3 per day
Adult: 1 teaspoon x 3 per day
Night-time coughing
Stop night time coughing by omitting the evening meal. A lot of people cough due to having eaten too late in the evening and the oesophagus is irritated from the incomplete digestion. Another remedy is to place a pinch of celtic/Himalayan salt on the tongue and then to drink a glass of water.
Castor Oil Compress (external application only – According to Barbara O'Neil and other persons familiar with remedies the pioneers used, castor oil has the ability to break up lumps, bumps, adhesions, irritable bowel, constipation, uterine fibroids, cysts in the ovaries, gallstones, kidney stones, bone spurs from calcium deposits, chest congestions with hot waterbottle, brain tumors)
Castor oil can penetrate very deeply into the body. It can penetrate a bone spur over time.
Make thick compress to hold the castor oil. You can reuse the compress as it is not drawing any toxins into it.
1. Cut a bluey (incontinence pad) into 4 pieces.
2. Put a piece of an old towel into the middle of the bluey.
3. Tape the ends of the bluey up.
4. Apply the castor oil in the middle of the bluey – about 100 ml
5. Let the compress sit for about 30 mins to soak into the towel.
6. Apply the compress onto the body.
7. Body heat warms the oil and spreads it out.
8. Plastic on the outside stops chilling and messing up clothes/blankets.
9. New compress required after two weeks if used every day.
10. Need to apply 1 extra teaspoon of castor oil every time you use the same compress.
Cayenne Pepper (moves blood, blood thinner, opens capillaries, low hydrochloric acid, strengthens the arterial walls, can rebuild heart muscle, upset tummy, heal a stomach ulcer, used internally and externally)
1. ¼ teaspoon of cayenne pepper in a cup of water
2. Mix
3. Drink it
4. Build up to ½ teaspoon of cayenne pepper
If there is external bleeding, apply cayenne pepper and it will seal the wound quickly and stop bleeding, sometimes negating the need for stitches.
If there is poor circulation use cayenne poultice to get blood to the area.
Cayenne Pepper Poultice (for bringing circulation to the feet)
1. Put a piece of plastic cling wrap about 30 cm/12” square on a table.
2. Put some kitchen baking paper (about the size to cover the underside of one foot) onto the cling wrap.
3. Pour a small amount of olive oil on the kitchen paper and spread it around the paper so it will cause the cayenne pepper to stick to it.
4. Sprinkle a ½ tsp of cayenne pepper onto the kitchen paper.
5. Put the poultice on the sole of the foot.
6. Pull the cling wrap plastic up over the top of the foot and put a sock on it.
7. Do the same to the other foot.
A cayenne poultice placed on the neck can increase circulation to an underactive thyroid gland. Apply the poultice only during the day or it can interfere with your sleep.
If the thyroid gland is over active, apply an ice compress to slow it down.
Slippery Elm (external and internal use – draws out toxins and debris, healing agent to mucus membranes; contains growth stimulant)
Poultice (use with charcoal)
Draws out debris
Use charcoal directions only substitute the psyllium husks for the slippery elm powder.
Take the powder with a little water mixed in a glass. Drink before it goes very thick.
Coats and soothes the whole gastro intestinal tract, soothes sore throat, soothes sore oesophagus, stomach ulcer, Crones disease, irritable bowel, diarrhea.
Aloe Vera (External and Internal use)
Contains a growth stimulant to heal the gastro intestinal tract. Cells that line the intestinal digestive tract replace themselves every 3 days. Stop irritating the bowel with refined sugar, dairy and gluten. Don’t eat the yellow liquid just under the skin, but eat the flesh of the plant to soothe the intestinal tract.
Nearly all skin problems can be helped with aloe vera. Does not burn or sting.
Burns can be treated by cutting an aloe vera leaf and putting the aloe vera flesh and clear liquid directly on the burn. Bandage it on with the outside skin still on the leaf. Keep air off the burnt area.
Swollen Tissues
Cabbage – is well known to reduce discomfort from inflammation and swelling. Either dip a leaf of cabbage into boiling water till it becomes tender or beat it till it is mashed up with a meat cleaver. Fit over injured area e.g. the uncomfortable, swollen breasts of mother who is feeding her newborn baby, swollen knees, ankle. Cover with a cloth, cling wrap and bandage it on.
Information on this site and in this article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.
A decision to use/not use this information is the sole responsibility of the reader.
Please see your doctor or health care professional for medical evaluation.